Central Connecticut Hepatitis Community

October 2017

Regular 7pm Meeting, October 11th:

With 3 weeks until Halloween, join us for some spooky fun the evening of the 11th.

Only a few short days until it will be too late for you to support our Liver Life Hartford Walk Team Liver Lifers and assist in our efforts to reduce and begin to eliminate HBV and HCV in the US. through donations to help research cures. Please contribute to our walk team, Liver Lifers today!

Future meetings:
  • November 8, 2017: With just over 2 weeks until Thanksgiving holidays, join us on the 8th in making plans to help those less fortunate than ourselves as a way of giving thanks for how well we have it.
  • December 13, 2017: With less than 2 weeks until the Holidays, join us for some fun activities and snacks to celebrate and prepare to bring in the new year!
  • January 10, 2018: Now that the new year is in full swing, help us plan our strategies for activities in the months ahead.
  • February 14, 2018: Happy Valentine's Day!
  • March 14, 2018: With St. Patrick's Day in 3 days, join us finding our pot of gold at the end of our rainbow.
  • April 11, 2018: With April 17th being Tax Day this year, join us to take a little break from our tax preparation activities to have some fun as well as distracting us from these additional stressors.
  • May 9, 2018: May is National Hepatitis Awareness month. In celebration, on Saturday the 19th we will be participating in National Hepatitis Testing Day by joining local organizations in getting the untested population that come out, tested and for those who test positive, where desired, put them in contact with the medical continuum of care they need to get cured.

Prospects for future meetings:
A transplant surgeon, attorneys, psychiatry professional, massage therapy education and treatment experiences are some of the ideas on the table.

Today's Date:

Last Updated: October 10, 2017
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Now a CTALF Resource.

What States are doing

Email: support@cchcgroup.org