Central Connecticut Hepatitis Community

September 2017

Regular 7pm Meeting, September 13th:

Help us to support our Liver Life Hartford Walk Team Liver Lifers on 9/17/17 at Rentschler Field by coming to the meeting and either drop off a donation or fill out a form and join us in walking to reduce and begin to eliminate HBV and HCV in the US. through donations to help research cures. We will also watch videos of success stories and why it is so important to strive to eradicate HCV in the USA.

Future meetings:
  • October 11, 2017: With 3 weeks until Halloween, join us for some spooky fun the evening of the 11th.
  • November 8, 2017: With just over 2 weeks until Thanksgiving holidays, join us on the 8th in making plans to help those less fortunate than ourselves as a way of giving thanks for how well we have it.

Prospects for future meetings:
A transplant surgeon, attorneys, psychiatry professional, massage therapy education and treatment experiences are some of the ideas on the table.

Today's Date:

Last Updated: September 11, 2017
Hepatitis C Support Project!
This Month's Links:
Now a CTALF Resource.

What States are doing

Email: support@cchcgroup.org