Central Connecticut Hepatitis Community

March 2015

Regular 7pm Meeting, March 11th:

Hear stories of members results after completing their various standards-of-care treatments, some just receiving their 12 week post-treatment blood work results. We will include discussions about the status of pharmaceutical companies about additional treatment options that are in clinical trials and what it means to our members. We also will be making plans for the upcoming Hepatitis Awareness Month in May, as well as the summer picnic. We will discuss the changing insurance landscape and how it affects the new hepatitis C standard of care treatments.

Future meetings:
  • At our meeting next month, on April 8, 2015, we are hoping the pharmaceutical companies have some additional treatment options that have attained FDA approval so we can look into what each means to our members. We also will be making plans for the upcoming Hepatitis Awareness Month in May, as well as the summer picnic. The plan is also to discuss the changing insurance landscape and how it affects the new hepatitis C standard of care treatments.
  • May 2015 is National Hepatitis Awareness month; come to our monthly meeting to see how close advocacy activities are planned.

Prospects for future meetings:
A transplant surgeon, attorneys, psychiatry professional, massage therapy education and treatment experiences are some of the ideas on the table.

Today's Date:

Last Updated: March 10, 2015
(click image)
Hepatitis C Support Project
This Month's Links:
2014 Public Act 257
2014 PA 257 OLR

What States are doing

Email: support@cchcgroup.org